Top 6 Interesting Mother’s Day Facts You May Not Know

Top 6 Interesting Mother’s Day Facts You May Not Know

It’s common knowledge that Mother’s Day this year, falling on Sunday, May 12, 2024, is a time to express your love and gratitude to your mom. There are plenty of interesting Mother’s Day facts and statistics alike that you may not have been aware of. If you need some ideas for an ideal Mother’s Day card or some interesting information to share with the mom in your life, here’s some sweet trivia all about mom.

Mother’s Day isn’t always on the same date each year

Mother’s Day is more than just a one-day celebration. It changes year after year. Some of the most generally recognized days in the United States that never change are New Year’s Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Veterans Day, and Christmas Day. They all occur on the same calendar day each year, regardless of the day of the week. Meanwhile, holidays such as Easter and Mother’s Day can be challenging. Although they are not always on the same date, they are always on the same day, which is Sunday. They also seem to occur at the same time every year. In American Mother’s Day, which is what we tend to call it here also in the UK, is always celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Might be smart to put it in the calendar now!

Mother's Day in the US happens on the second Sunday of May
Mother’s Day in the US happens on the second Sunday of May

Mother’s Day and Mothering Sunday are two separate events with similar meanings

This is one of the most confusing Mother’s Day facts. According to Christian tradition in the UK and in parts of Europe, Mothering Sunday is held on the fourth day of Lent which is on a different date sometime in March. Although Mother’s Day and Mothering Day share a similar purpose, they have different origins and traditions.

Mothering Sunday has been observed in the United Kingdom since the 16th century. It was a Christian celebration at the time, honoring the “Mother Church” and the Virgin Mary. On that day, individuals would return to their mother church, which was often the main church in their hometown or the church where they were baptized. Domestic staff frequently had only one day off to see their relatives.

Anna Jarvis founded Mother’s Day in the early 20th century as a way to celebrate her own mom as well as other moms worldwide. It immediately became a popular festival, with children showering their moms with presents and flowers to express their love and gratitude.

Anna Jarvis - the founder of Mother's Day
Anna Jarvis – the founder of Mother’s Day

The term ‘Mom’ originates from infants

This is probably one of the most interesting Mother’s Day facts. Babies babble meaningless sounds to test them out. The most basic type of babble is a consonant followed by a vowel: labial (/m/, /p/, /b/) and dental (/t/, /d/, /n/, /l/). Consonants followed by a broad vowel sound (/a/) are the most prevalent. The most natural way to produce sound is to open and close your mouth. As a newborn babbles and explores language, certain sounds are naturally easier to utter than others. So the basis for the term mama derives from the most handy sounds kids naturally make as they acquire language, which is why in practically every language, the word for mother begins with the letter ‘M’ or is some variation of the ‘ma’ sound.

So, when you wish your mama a happy Mother’s Day each year, keep in mind that the sounds you choose to address her are integral to your identity.

Babies babble meaningless sounds to test them out and create the term "mama"
Babies babble meaningless sounds to test them out and create the term “mama”

Woodrow Wilson signed Mother’s Day into law in 1914

On Saturday, May 9, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson issued an official declaration designating Mother’s Day as a national observance to be honored annually on the second Sunday of May, making May 10, 1914 the inaugural national Mother’s Day. The observance would take the form of displaying the American flag on government buildings and private residences.

By 1911, Mother’s Day was observed in several states, but it wasn’t until Wilson persuaded Congress to establish the holiday’s official date as the second Sunday in May of each year in 1914. Wilson said that the occasion provided an opportunity to “publicly express our love and reverence for the mothers of our country” in his inaugural Mother’s Day proclamation.

Woodrow Wilson - the man who signed Mother's Day into law in 1914
Woodrow Wilson – the man who signed Mother’s Day into law in 1914

Mother’s Day is one of the highest selling holidays for flowers and plants

Mother’s Day, called the “Super Bowl of florists,” is one of the busiest floral festivals of the year in terms of flower purchases and delivery. According to studies, Mother’s Day is the second most important floral event of the year, and it also increases flower delivery sales significantly. So how do flowers compare to other Mother’s Day gifts?

Every year, Mother’s Day boosts revenues in the flower industry. Mother’s Day accounts for around 24% of all holiday sales following Valentine’s Day. The bulk of holiday purchases involve fresh flowers. Fresh flowers are the most popular holiday gift among customers, and they serve as the centerpiece of the celebration. These trends will help florists make the most money possible.

Mother's Day accounts for around 24% of all holiday sales following Valentine's Day
Mother’s Day accounts for around 24% of all holiday sales following Valentine’s Day

Normally, Mother’s Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants

Out of all the ‘holidays’ we celebrate, it’s reasonable to say that treating our mom is perhaps the most enjoyable. Let’s face it: being a mom is a difficult job, so taking the time to acknowledge this and treat them to some delicious food and pampering is absolutely a good thing.

Most families eat out on Mother’s Day and that makes this day become one of the busiest days of the year for eateries. According to the National Restaurants Association in the United States, over 80 million Americans will spend Mother’s Day away from home, with 55% of these dining at restaurants. Out of the overall number, 55% will celebrate with supper, 34% with lunch, 30% with brunch, and 12% with breakfast.

Mother's Day is one of the busiest days of the year for eateries
Mother’s Day is one of the busiest days of the year for eateries


Above are some interesting Mother’s Day facts that you can share with everyone. Which Mother’s Day facts you already know and which ones you had no clue of? On Mother’s Day, Bestee would like to wish all  moms in the world a happy Mother’s Day weekend to all the moms out there whether you are past, present or soon to be mom. May this day your family be filled with love, joy and laughter.

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